Who doesn’t want a tidy home? A better question yet, who wants to put in the time and effort to keep a tidy home? Most people see it as a chore, because, well… it is a chore, multiple chores. In fact, it’s all of the chores – clean the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the kitchen, the hallways, the everything. So it can be overwhelming to keep your safe-place a clean space. We all know it to be a necessity, bringing on good habits. But, there are surprising benefits to a tidy home as well.
Health reasons
Ok, this is the obvious reason. A clean home means that there are fewer hiding places for bacteria and germs. Dust and allergens settle on surfaces, exposing more risks to allergies. Therefore, a cleaning routine will help maintain the air quality. While organizing counter space and other surfaces will makes it easier to clean and sanitize.
Mental Health Reasons
No one wants to be overwhelmed, or stressed, or filled with angst. The thought of needing to clean can bring on these feeling when we neglect it. These anxious feelings can also subside by keeping a tidy home. That feeling of having to do everything becomes a feeling of relaxation.

Relaxation Brings On Better Sleep
Just as relaxation brings better sleep, a tidy home provides the comfortability. The mind wonders when the to-do list is still whispering in your ear. So think of the difference when climbing into a made bed versus a bed that looks like the pillows and sheets had a scuffle with the comforter. The result is more mental, but the mental aspect is what brings better sleep.
A Tidy Home Means An Increase In Happiness
An increase in relaxation alone can bring an increase in happiness. See the compound effects here? All from keeping a tidy home. It’s like a sunny day, an ocean view from the balcony, a bright spectacle of fireworks all inside of your home. All senses trigger when the counter sparkles with a shine. You might even have to fight back a few smiles to give those cheek muscles a break.
Keeps You Ready To Say Yes To Guest
Go ahead, now share those smiles with a friend. You have company coming over? Great, the place is already cleaned. Game night moving over to your house? Fantastic, you’re ready. Come on in, take a seat.
Organization Supports Minimalism
If hoarding promotes anxiety, then it absolutely makes sense that organizing supports minimalism. You don’t need to hold onto everything. Clutter invites panic. So put things where they belong. If that’s the book shelf, awesome. If it’s the trash, then it’s the trash. Knowing where to find the important things saves time and possibly a meltdown.
A Tidy Home Provides The Ability To Stay More Active
Now that everything isn’t everywhere, look at all the space available for activity. You realize that your living room has plenty of openness for burpees, planks, jumping jacks, or an all out sweat-fest. Maybe you just want to dance. Guess what, do it, and do it with the confidence that your toes are free from loose legos.
Increase In Productivity
That’s right, we’ve all heard it before. The less that is on your mind, the more focus power you have. The more focus you have, the more productive we all can be. A tidy home brings focus? Yes – a cluttering space clutters mental space, so organizing your environment helps organize your train of thought.

Increase In Creativity
I’m sure we could all paint a beautiful masterpiece inside of a junky broom closet. But what if you take that masterpiece to a favorite location, like a beach, or hillside of a mountain? Watch the inspiration gather all around you. The same is true with a house. There is inspirations to be found in beauty. A clean home is a beautiful home. So, a beautiful home is sure to inspire the creative mind too.
There Is A Sense Of Pride Keeping A Tidy Home
Whose tidy home is this? This is your tidy home. The carpet is clean, the counters are sparkling. Do you feel that? That is pride – Kudos!