Is power washing and pressure washing the same thing? The terms tend to be used synonymously. Sure, the function is the same, but the process differs a bit based on the need.
Pressure Washing:
This is just as it sounds. It uses high-pressure water to clean those stubborn stains from hard surfaces. It’s great for restoring the look of a home’s exterior, sidewalks, driveways, patios, and decks. The best part, pressure washing eliminates the need for elbow grease while removing undesirable dirt and grime from the weathered surfaces we rely on.
Plus, it’s simple. Aim, spray, and watch the filth wash away.
Power Washing:
Alright, now that we’ve confirmed what you probably already know about pressure washing, is power washing any different? Yes, by bringing the heat.
The stream from a power washer uses the combination of high-pressure and hot water for those extremely stubborn stains that need a bit more mmph. Adding hot water into the mix basically brings additional power to the wash.
Pressure Washing versus Power Washing:

Mold, mildew, and grease don’t like to play nice. The good thing for homeowners and property managers is that you don’t have to play nice either. Tough stains on outdoor surfaces don’t require you to get down and scrub. Both pressure washing and power washing make it easier to maintain your property’s curb appeal, giving peace of mind that you can cut through filth.
Curb Appeal:
Curb appeal starts, well… at the curb, but your home’s appeal comes from every angle – front to back, side to side, inside and out. Impressions Carpet & Restoration has you covered. We have your back when you walk through those doors. And no, you won’t need a power washer for your gorgeous carpet, but a little elbow grease on our side will spruce things up inside too.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 703-955-7556. We will be more than happy to assist.